Friday, September 11, 2009

Patience at the Gate

Why is it that whenever I am most determined to get the hell out of dodge, I always run into out of my control something that makes me stop, sit and wait. Sometime ago it was getting stuck by an electrical short for two hours on the blue line train to O'Hare. Yesterday I spent an afternoon in the Fort Lauderdale airport waiting for a connecting flight to San Jose. "Grump" I had to wait an extra four hours. Turns out the flight was delayed from The Bahamas because it diverted to Port-a-Prince Haiti for a medical emergency. New Orleans, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, these cities are gateways for me, transitional places where I feel like I can start to shed my hard urban skin. Maybe it's good and meant for me to sit for a minute, allowing some process to take place inside myself before moving on into the other, slower world I mean to explore. Written over breakfast at the Costa Verde Inn, Ezcazu, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hitting The Road...Finally!

I think I originally created this blog two years ago! Well, I am finally hitting the road. Heading down to Costa Rica to visit friends and hopefully rebook my system for this next stretch of my life. Like many people, I came to a cross-roads and posit that travel may be part of the cure. We'll see.

First stop...O'Hare